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Hi, everyone! My name is Grant Golub, and I'm running for USG President this year because I believe we need to refocus USG's energy on the student issues that truly matter. As President, my top priority would be to expand the mental health resources we have on campus and make them more available to students, starting with CPS. 


Not too long ago, I was in a position where I felt like I really needed CPS, and I was told I would have to wait 3 weeks for an appointment. 3 weeks. That is absolutely not right, and I have talked to other students who have had similar experiences. Now I don't believe CPS wants to just turn students away; rather, it's because they simply do not have the resources to help students immediately when they need it. 


With 4 out of 5 undergraduates attempting to go to CPS at least once in their four years here, and with many of their employees only working part time, we need to increase the amount of full-time employees CPS has in order to support the undergraduate student body to the fullest extent possible. 


I believe with the institutional backing of USG as its President, I can work with the administration to focus on this pressing problem and address it in a meaningful way so we can make Princeton's environment a better one for all of us. 


In addition, I also want to focus on reforming underclassmen academic advising and changing the University PDF policy so students would be able to rescind PDFs. 


Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, and I hope I can count on your support and vote! 



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